All but a virtual website
If you know our store but not our website, or neither, welcome to Lecoinmontagne.com.
After 20 years growing the store, we created in 2008 our website Lecoinmontagne.com. First it was a simple showcase, then we quickly decided to sell online.
The website allowing since 8 years to order online more than 2500 references of alpine decorative items and furniture and receiving them at home, whether in France or Europe .
Customer service at your service
Buying on the internet is not always reassuring, even more when it comes to furniture or special decorative objects: fear of being badly advised, having a bad service after sale etc.
The creation of the site Lecoinmontagne.com was made keeping in mind all the proximity that must provide a merchant to his client . You are not delivered to you even behind your screen, once your order has been placed!

A carefully packaging !
Almost as important as the content, your parcel's packaging is an essential element that we do not neglect in any way. We spend time to take the utmost care in protecting the items we ship. It's important for you as for us, so no improvisation!
We often use recovery cardboards as protection, so do not worry if you see a box with a reference that does not match your order.

Every review really matter
The reviews and ratings written by our customers about the website encourage us to constantly improve: keeping what works, improve the points that can be and especially have a way to know your feelings, your experience at Lecoinmontagne.com .